The brutal details of Martha's experiences are beyond the scope of this blog entry but several questions came to mind as I listened to her recounting the pathological and highly psychotic doings of the Nazi's in the pretext of 'Darwinism', and while I mental pieced together evidence presented along the museum's walls. Is being an anti-Semite a 'feature' encoded in the so called 'Aryan' DNA..? Is that why Hitler won his election to power with a landslide of 40% support from the German people..? Is this the reason the SS Officers in the concentration camps had the same virulent fervor as their monstrous and conceited leader - based on a vague theory of 'Darwinism'..? Is the anti-Semite pathology still latent in our DNA and is this why the world is still at war with the very victims of the holocaust ..? As I understand from recent visitors to Poland including the holocaust survivors, this virulent hatred for Jews is still rampant in the local population as is evidenced by conniving jives that roll off the tongues of ordinary people such as the conductors of trains as they pass by locations where concentration camps once murdered millions ( ... details available upon request). Could there be cure for this pathology in the interest of the human civilization being at peace with itself ..?
The Yad Vashem museum provides us a glimpse of the what Jewish life had been before the War and unveils a brave image of the miserable life of slaves which the 'entire world' willed upon the Jews between the world wars and of-course the holocaust. Over 6 million were murdered but the museum has the goal of attributing a 'name' to every single victim of the holocaust whom were never given a righteous burial. Today they are at 4.2 million named victims and counting as historians continue to rummage through the remnants of the memoirs left behind by holocaust victims and their kin through whom they are survived today...
[1] Darwinism and the Nazi Race Holocaust by Dr. Jerry Bergman on November 1, 1999.
P.S - The following may be of interest: http://www.yadvashem.org/yv/en/newsletters/pdf/giving_030-032.pdf